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The Activities of the Japan Foundation

Dialogue: Japanese Studies and Intellectual Exchange

The enhancement of Japanese studies overseas will lead to deeper mutual understanding between Japan and other countries. The Japan Foundation also promotes intellectual exchange through symposia and collaborative projects pertinent to global issues.

Fellowships provided to overseas researchers (total number)*1
6,935 persons

Abe Fellowship

Total number of related publications*2 4,086 publications
(Includes 1,363 publications in Japanese language and 2,723 publications in English language)

Publications by Abe Fellows*3 in FY2019
60 publications in Japanese language and 75 publications in English language

Japan Outreach Initiative (JOI) Program

Number*4 of persons reached out by JOI Coordinators in FY2019
48,702 persons

Total number of persons reached out by JOI Coordinators*5
Approximately1.11 million persons

*1. A cumulative total of newly commenced fellowships each fiscal year since the Japan Foundation's establishment in 1972. Includes persons associated with arts and culture, Japanese-language education and Asia Center programs.
*2. Start of program ~ March 2020
*3. Includes past recipients
*4. Number of persons participating in events and meetings
*5. FY2003 (the second year of the 1st group) ~ end of FY2019