The Japan Cultural Institute in Cologne (Germany)

Name The Japan Cultural Institute in Cologne (The Japan Foundation), Library
Homepage (German) (Japanese)
OPAC (Japanese)
Address Universitätsstraße 98, 50674 Köln, Bundesrepublik Deutschland
TEL/FAX TEL 49-221-940 558 44 / FAX 49-221-940 558 9
(Please enter a half-width character "@" in sending an e-mail)
Library Hours Monday to Friday: 14:00-17:00/17:00-18:45*
Saturday: 14:00-17:00
* Open only when Japanese language courses are held at the Institute.

If you would like to visit the library during the following times, please call us and make a reservation at least one day in advance.
Monday to Friday: 11:00-13:00
Library Closed Sundays, National holidays, Year-end and New Year's holidays, August (see Website)
Collection Introductory guide on Japan, Japanese studies, Cultural exchange between Japan and Germany, Japanese literatures translated in German, Materials on Japanese pop culture (Manga, DVD, CD)
Services Browsing/Loans/Copy/Reference/Library tour
Last updated September 19, 2023