390,000 People around the World to Challenge the Japanese-Language Proficiency Test in July

June 14, 2016

The Japan Foundation conducts the Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) on Sunday, July 3, 2016 in 120 cities of 32 countries and regions outside Japan. JLPT is the largest Japanese-language exam in the world to certify language proficiency of non-native speakers. This year marked the 32st anniversary of the JLPT and more countries and cities are to hold the exam. In comparison with the exam held in July 2015, the number of applicants has increased by 15,000 in overseas and 30,000 in Japan. In the Philippines, Japanese-language learning is booming among students and professionals. One of the reasons is that several Japanese companies have expanded their business in the country. As a result, the exam is now held twice a year. These factors have raised the awareness of the exam and led to its increase rate of 100 %.


The Japan Foundation
Center for Japanese-Language Testing Ando (Ms.)
Tel: +81-(0)3-5367-1021 / E-mail: jlptinfo@jpf.go.jp

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