Survey Report on Japanese-Language Education Abroad 1998

In this section, you can see the summary of the results of the 1998 survey by downloading the Acrobat (PDF) files below.
For those interested in a more detailed report including a precise analysis, statistical charts and a list of institutions surveyed, please refer to Kaigai no Nihongo Kyoiku no Genjo (ISBN4-17-157702-0), published by the Ministry of Finance Printing Bureau.
Contact: National Printing Bureau 03-3587-4283~4

Image: Present Condition of Overseas Japanese-Language Education
"Present Condition of Overseas
Japanese-Language Education"
Summary(in English, (PDF:3.37MB))
Image:Present Condition of Overseas Japanese-Language Education
"Present Condition of Overseas
Japanese-Language Education"
Summary(in Japanese, (PDF:2.86MB))

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