Next Generation Task Force Final Report

Next Generation Task Force Final Report 【PDF:1.10MB】

About Next Generation Task Force

1. Next Generation Task Force’s Objectives

The Task Force is intended to submit an Interim Report, including specific measures on rebuilding the network of people responsible for the US-Japan relationship and cultivating the next generation of leaders, and seek the adoption of the recommendations in this report. As part of these activities, the Task Force will help to planning and implementing events in 2017.
The task force will continue with dialogues through the next joint meeting (2020) to identify measures for the implementation of these recommendations.

2.Next Gen Task Force Members:

Members in Japan

  • Fumiaki Kubo (Co-chair, Professor at the Graduate Schools for Law and Politics of the University of Tokyo, Japan CULCON Vice Chair)
  • Naoyuki Agawa (Distinguished Visiting Professor of Doshisha University, Japan CULCON Panelist)
  • Akio Okawara (Board member, Japan Center for International Exchange, Japan CULCON Panelist)
  • Junichi Chano (Executive Director of the Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnership, Japan CULCON Panelist)
  • Hiroshi Yamakawa (President, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency [JAXA])
  • Junko Tanaka (Head of Global Strategy Division, NHK World Department, Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK))
  • Mitsuko Shino (Director-General for Cultural Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, CULCON panelist)
  • Manabu Miyagawa (Director-General for Cultural Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan CULCON Panelist)
  • Mami Oyama (Director-General for International Affairs, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan CULCON Panelist)

Members in the US

  • Sheila Smith (Co-chair, Senior Fellow for Japan Studies, Council on Foreign Relations, U.S. CULCON Vice Chair)
  • Patricia Maclachlan (Associate Professor of Government and Asian Studies, University of Texas)
  • T.J. Pempel (Professor of Political Science, University of California, Berkeley, U.S. CULCON Panelist)
  • Susan Morita (partner at Arnold & Porter LLP)
  • James Kondo (co-founder of Silicon Valley Japan Platform)
  • Danny Meza (Assistant to Congressman Joaquin Castro)
  • Chuck Jones (President, Lockheed Martin Japan)
  • Dava Newman (Professor at MIT and former NASA Deputy Administrator)

3. Background of Establishment

At the joint meeting at CULCON XXVII held on June 17, 2017, Japan and the US agreed to establish the Next Generation Task Force based on the report and recommendations of the Joint Ad Hoc Steering Committee (ASC), and did so in the same year.

4. Activities to Date

September 2015
Agreement between US and Japan to establish ASC
June 2016
ASC Report released in Japanese【PDF:233KB】 and English【PDF:775KB】 to the US-Japan joint meeting at CULCON XXVII in Tokyo
Next Generation Task Force established
October 2016
Retreat meeting for Japan members
March 2017
Retreat meeting for Japan members
May 2017
JCIE’s Final Report on Japan-US Exchange Mapping Survey submitted
August 2017
Japan members meet, US members meet
October 2017
First US-Japan joint meeting of Next Generation Task Force in Tokyo at the International House of Japan CULCON Next Generation Task Force and Forum in Tokyo
December 2017
Meeting for Japan members in Tokyo
March 2018
Workshop for US members in Washington, D.C.
June 2018
Next Generation Task Force Recommendations and Executive Summary submitted at joint US-Japan meeting at CULCON XXVIII in Washington, D.C
Provisional Japanese translation【PDF:575KB】, English textExternal link
September 2018
Japan Next Gen TF meeting in Tokyo
December 2018
US Next Gen TF Workshop in Washington, D.C.
June 2019
CULCON, Anniversaries, Inc. and Dallas Regional Chamber of Commerce (DRC) jointly convened an event in Dallas, Texas
December 2019
Next Gen TF Final Report【PDF:1.11MB】 completed

Next Gen TF Forum (2017)