Arts and Cultural Exchange [Culture]

The Japan Foundation works to introduce a diverse variety of facets of Japanese culture, from art, music, drama, and film to fashion and design, to the world. By creating opportunities for people to share the joy of co-creation and better understand each other in ways that transcend language, it facilitates deeper cultural exchange between people.

Visual Arts

  • Venice Biennale
  • Exhibitions
  • Support Program
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Photo of Visual Arts

Performing Arts

  • Music/Theater/Dance
  • International Collaboration
  • Support Program
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Photo of Performing Arts


  • Support Program for Translation and Publication
  • Japanese Literature in Translation Search
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Photo of Publication

Film and Broadcast

  • Japanese Film Screenings
  • Japanese TV Broadcasting
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Photo of Film and Broadcast copyright NHK


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Japonismes 2018 Follow-Up

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What We Do