1984年~1988年、在シカゴ日本総領事館 副領事。(シカゴ)
2003年~2005年、在サンフランシスコ日本総領事館 領事兼広報文化センター所長。(サンフランシスコ)
2005年~2008年、国際連合日本政府代表部 一等書記官。(ニューヨーク)
2008年~2009年、外務省広報文化総合計画課 首席事務官。
2009年~2012年、外務省地方連携推進室 首席事務官。内閣総務官室事務官に併任発令(総理夫人の外交活動を補佐)。
2012年~2014年、外務省企画政策室 企画官。
2014年~2017年、財団法人フォーリンプレスセンター 事務局長。(東京)
2017年~2020年、在シンガポール日本大使館 参事官兼ジャパンクリエイティブセンター(JCC)所長。(シンガポール)
2020年~2022年、在ベンガルール日本総領事館 総領事。(インド・ベンガルール)
2023年4月~ 独立行政法人国際交流基金 日米文化教育交流会議(カルコン)事務局長。
Ms. SUGITA Akiko serves as Secretary General of the Japan CULCON Secretariat.
Ms. Sugita joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (MOFA) in 1981 and assumed Vice Consul of the Consulate General of Japan in Chicago in 1984-1988. (Chicago)
Ms. Sugita worked in MOFA in 1988-2003; the Overseas Public Affairs Division, the Office of Protocol (concurrently the Secretariat for the Preparation of “The Funeral Ceremony of His Majesty The Emperor Showa” and the Secretariat for the Preparation of “the Ceremony of the Enthronement of His Majesty The Emperor”), and the Domestic Public Relations Division (concurrently in the Secretariat for Preparation of the "Kyushu Okinawa Summit”). Based on the experiences of protocol, She wrote a book entitled A Rule Book on International Manners (published in 2004, Diamond Inc.) (Tokyo)
In 2003-2005, Ms. Sugita assumed Consul and Director of the Japan Information and Cultural Center of the Consulate General of Japan in San Francisco. (San Francisco)
She served as First Secretary of the Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations in 2005-2008. (New York)
Ms. Sugita assumed Deputy Director of the Public Diplomacy Division, MOFA in 2008-2009, Deputy Director of the Local Partnership Coordination Division, MOFA in 2009-2012, and concurrently was appointed as official of the Office of Counsellor, Cabinet Secretariat and served as assistant to the Prime Minister's spouses in their fulfilling diplomatic engagements.
In 2012-2014, Ms. Sugita assumed Senior Coordinator of the Policy Planning Division, MOFA.
In 2014-2017, Ms. Sugita assumed Secretary General of the Foreign Press Center of Japan. (Tokyo).
In 2017-2020, Ms. Sugita assumed Counselor and Director of the Japan Creative Centre (JCC) of the Embassy of Japan in Singapore. (Singapore)
In 2020-2022, MS. Sugita assumed Consul General, Consulate General of Japan in Bengaluru, India. (Bengaluru)
Ms. Sugita assumed Secretary General, Japan Secretariat of CULCON in April 2023. (Tokyo).
Ms. Sugita worked in MOFA for 41 years specializing in public relations, press, and protocol. She was also engaged in the United Nations affairs, facilitation of partnerships between MOFA and local governments and drafting foreign policy speeches.
B.A. in Spanish, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies; B.A. in History, Williams College, U.S.
幼少期から13年間海外(シンガポール、ベルギー、フランス)で過ごし、そのうち1991~1994年は山一証券パリ現地法人にて株式営業に従事した。1994~1996年は山一證券 国際金融部にて企業のファイナンスに関わり、1996~1998年は初めてカルコン事務局に勤務、2014~2019年は2度目のカルコン事務局勤務。コロナ禍までは全国通訳案内士(英語)(仏語)として国内のインバウンド需要を支え、東京2020オリンピック・パラリンピック大会では大会ボランティアField Castとして要人アテンドを務めた。2021~2023年3月まで(公財)東京観光財団 コンベンション事業部にてさまざまなチャンネルで東京都の魅力を発信しビジネスイベント誘致に従事した。
Ms. MUNAKATA Nanako currently serves as Assistant-to-Secretary General of Japan CULCON Secretariat from April 2023.
She has 13 years of international background (Singapore, Belgium, France) including her 1st career at Stock Sales Department, Yamaichi Securities Paris subsidiary. After working at corporate finance at International Finance Department, Yamaichi Securities, she worked for the 1st time at Japan CULCON Secretariat from 1996~1998, 2nd time from 2014 to 2019. She worked as a national government-licensed guide interpreter in English and in French until the COVID pandemic. At the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games, she served as a volunteer “Field Cast“, attending VIPs. From 2021 to 2023, she worked on the Business Event Team at Tokyo Convention & Visitor’s Bureau, promoting Tokyo as a destination of business events using various channels.
Ms. Munakata holds a Bachelor of Arts, in English and American Literature at Aoyama Gakuin University. She has a husband, daughter, son, and dog.