2018-2019 The Japan Foundation
E-Greeting Card Contest [Results]

The Japan Foundation sought submission from all over the world for a key visual (illustration, photo, etc.) to decorate our 2018-19 e-greeting card, under the theme of “The Japanese New Year” —in keeping with the Japan Foundation’s mission of cultivating friendship and ties between Japan and the world, from October 3 through October 28

The Best Award winning work is used for this year’s e-greeting card design.

Thank you very much for your participation for the contest.


Best Award

work by tulipano
<Twitter Account:とぅりぱーの @tulipano_m>

Honorable Mention

work by kelly
<Twitter Account:kelly @macaronpied>

work by amanda
<Twitter Account:amanda @4Art_ING>

work by Akbar Hossain
<Twitter Account:Akbar Hossain @bigpsfan>

work by Bowowwaon
<Twitter Account:Bowowwaon @Bowowwaon>

[Contact Us]

The Japan Foundation
Communication Center
Tel: +81-(0)3-5369-6075