Press Release (FY2016-2017)

Date Title
March 30 Short Films Jointly Made by Japanese and Southeast Asian Students Are Now Available Online“…and Action! Asia #03: Exchange Program for Students in Film Studies”
February 7 The Japan Foundation and Shochiku will present Shochiku Grand Kabuki in Beijing, China in March
January 11 Tokyo International Film Festival CROSSCUT ASIA tie-up event Colorful Indonesia 2 January 25-28, 2017
November 30 Southeast Asia Short Documentary Film Screening and Discussion Visual Documentary Project 2016
November 25 480,000 People around the World to Challenge the Japanese-Language Proficiency Test in December
November 22 350 Guests Attended the Japan Foundation CGP/Abe Fellowship Program 25th Anniversary Symposium
November 8 The Spirit of Asia Award of Tokyo International Film Festival 2016 goes to Indian director Alankrita Shrivastava
September 27 The Japan Foundation Asia Center × Tokyo International Film Festival Launching a New Comprehensive Platform to Create New Japanese Film Market Opportunities in Asia
September 21 CROSSCUT ASIA #03: Colorful Indonesia Lineup Announced
August 24 The Japan Foundation Awards 2016 Recipients- Cai Guo-Qiang, Susan J. Pharr, Centro Brasileiro de Língua Japonesa -
August 8 London Design Biennale 2016 Yasuhiro Suzuki “ A Journey Around the Neighbourhood Globe”
July 27 The Japanese language learning platform ‘JF Japanese e-Learning Minato’ ReleasedOnline Japanese learning system which allows learners meet each other worldwide via community forums.
July 4 Joint Symposium of the Japan Foundation Asia Center and Arts Council Tokyo Art & Technology: Changing Times, Contemporary Trends, Future Platforms
June 14 390,000 People around the World to Challenge the Japanese-Language Proficiency Test in July
June 2 At the 15th International Architecture Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia Special Mention to Japan

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