The Japan Foundation Asia Center × Tokyo International Film Festival Launching a New Comprehensive Platform to Create New Japanese Film Market Opportunities in Asia
September 27, 2016
The Japan Foundation Asia Center launched the Japanese Film Festival: Asia-Pacific Gateway Initiative (hereinafter referred to as the “JFF Initiative”) with the Tokyo International Film Festival (TIFF) in 2016 to raise interest in Japanese films and draw in a larger audience in the ASEAN countries.
Japan’s weakness in exporting its films, particularly to the ASEAN countries, has been pointed out for quite a long time. There are two major reasons behind this: unavailability of a strategic infrastructure by the public and private sectors and the lack of interest in Japanese films throughout the area. Although the Japan Foundation has conducted the Japanese film festivals in the area for years, it has not reached the comprehensive brand-building which is interlocked between countries. In order to ameliorate this situation, the JFF Initiative provides opportunities for people to gather offline and online, under the vision of building a system for an extensive bridge between the Asia-Pacific film market and the Japanese film industry. To increase interest in Japanese films and create new market opportunities for Japanese films, the following three schemes are planned: strengthening network by carrying out the Japanese film festivals in the ASEAN countries and Australia, organizing PR event that fans participate, and constructing an online platform. In the future, the Japan Foundation wishes to create a comprehensive platform for the Japanese film industry that attracts potential clients, aiming to activate Japanese film industries as well as the entire Asia-Pacific film industry.
For information on the Japan Foundation and JFF Initiative
The Japan Foundation Asia Center
Person in charge: Konomi (Mr.), Tanaka (Mr.), Ryu (Ms.)
Tel: +81-(0)3-5369-6140
Press Contact
The Japan Foundation Communication Center
Person in charge: Kawakubo (Ms.), Mori (Ms.)
Tel: +81-(0)3-5369-6089
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