350 Guests Attended the Japan Foundation CGP/Abe Fellowship Program 25th Anniversary Symposium
November 22, 2016
The Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnership (CGP) and Abe Fellowship Program marked their 25th anniversary by holding an international symposium “Emerging Futures in a Changing World,” on Tuesday, November 15, in Tokyo at Toranomon Hills Forum. These events were held in collaboration with the Social Science Research Council. *More information of the symposium can be found at:
*Report on The Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnership/Abe Fellowship Program 25th Anniversary Symposium
The Symposium was attended by around 350 guests including diplomats, researchers, and scholars. Fifteen Abe Fellows, experts in fields such as economics and political science, discussed changes that have occurred in governance, security, trade, and international relations over the last 25 years. The recent U.S. elections have highlighted a growing international climate replete with contradictions, disintegration, and misunderstanding and a United States retreating from the international area. Simultaneously, it is also providing an opportunity for Japan to take a leadership role in such fields as trade, security and regional governance.
General Inquiries
The Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnership
Person in charge: Ando (Ms.), Sato (Ms.), Susa (Ms.)
Tel: +81-(0)3-5369-6072 Fax: +81-(0)3-5369-6042
E-mail: Naomi_Ando@jpf.go.jp
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Tel: +81-(0)3-5369-6089 Fax: +81-(0)3-5369-6044
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- The Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnership/
Abe Fellowship Program 25th Anniversary Symposium
Emerging Futures in a Changing World
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