Small Exhibition “From Our Rare Book Collection” (August 2017)

This month's book to be displayed is Japan: voorgesteld in schetsen over de zeden en gebruiken van dat ryk, byzonder over de ingezetenen der stad Nagasaky, published in Amsterdam in 1830.

The author, Germain Felix Meijlan (1785-1831), was appointed the head of the Dutch Trading House in Dejima, Nagasaki, in 1826, and worked hard to solve the problems resulted from the Siebold Incident, which occurred during his term, in 1828. The book consists of 15 chapters and provides descriptions of the town of Nagasaki, Japan’s society, folklore, and others.

  • Cover of Japan: voorgesteld in schetsen over de zeden en gebruiken van dat ryk, byzonder over de ingezetenen der stad Nagasaky
  • Image of Japan: voorgesteld in schetsen over de zeden en gebruiken van dat ryk, byzonder over de ingezetenen der stad Nagasaky


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