The Japan Foundation, Madrid (Spain)

Name The Japan Foundation, Madrid - Library
Homepage, Japonés) (Spanish)
OPAC none
Address The Japan Foundation, Madrid
Palacio de Cañete,
Calle Mayor 69, Planta 2
28013 Madrid, Spain
TEL/FAX TEL 34-91-310-1538 / FAX 34-91-308-7314
(Please enter a half-width character "@" in sending an e-mail)
Library Hours Monday-Thursday: 11:00-14:00/15:00-20:30
Friday: 11:00-14:00/15:00-19:00
<During the summer> Monday-Friday: 10:00-14:00
Library Closed Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays, August
Collection Materials and resources about Japanese-language education, Japanese culture, society, history, literature, art, Pop-culture to help the participants study
Services Browsing/Loans/Copy/Reference
Last Updated September 3, 2018