CROSSCUT ASIA #02: The Heat of Philippine Cinema
Lineup and Guests Announced
October 6, 2015
The Japan Foundation Asia Center organizes The Japan Foundation Asia Center presents CROSSCUT ASIA at the 28th Tokyo International Film Festival (TIFF). CROSSCUT ASIA was launched in 2014 as a collaboration project with TIFF.
As the second volume of the series, it now turns its attention to recent films from the Philippines, as the country is considered to be the largest film industry in Asia and have many active independent filmmakers. Several Philippine directors consistently won awards at international film festivals. These directors include Brillante Ma Mendoza, who made his debut in 2005 and won awards at three major festivals (Berlin, Cannes, and Venice) quickly.
CROSSCUT ASIA presents special projections titled “The World of Brillante Ma Mendoza,” with the attendance of the director himself. There are also a symposium and Q&A sessions with young Philippine directors. CROSSCUT ASIA #02: The Heat of Philippine Cinema will become exciting program without doubt.
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For information on the Japan Foundation
The Japan Foundation
Asia Center Murata (Ms.), Kakeya (Ms.) Tel: +81-(0)-5369-6025
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