Arts and Cultural Exchange [Culture]

The Japan Foundation organizes programs to introduce various aspects of Japanese arts and culture all over the world. In addition, it promotes networking and human resources development in the arts and cultural fields by interactive collaboration/co-production and through dispatching and invitation of specialists.

1. Grant Program for Dispatching Artists and Cultural Specialists

This program is designed to provide financial support for artists and Japanese cultural specialists who participate in cultural events (e.g., performances, demonstrations, lectures, and workshops) overseas with the aim of introducing Japanese arts and culture or of contributing to international society through arts and cultural projects.

Last updated March 11, 2024

Eligibility Area Japan
Applicant Organization / Individual
Application Deadline 1st Round: Apply through Online Application Portal by 12 a.m. (midnight), November 30, 2023 (Japan Standard Time)
2nd Round: Apply through Online Application Portal by 12 a.m. (midnight), May 30, 2024 (Japan Standard Time)
Application Form Q-DACS (available in Japanese only)
Application Instructions /
Application Form

2. International Creations in Performing Arts

The Japan Foundation seeks organizations that will jointly organize international creations in performing arts between Japanese and international artists.

Last updated September 4, 2023

Eligibility Area Japan
Applicant Organization
Application Deadline Apply through Online Application Portal by 12 a.m. (midnight), November 30, 2023 (Japan Standard Time)
Application Form Q-IC (available in Japanese only)
Application Instructions /
Application Form

3. Ishibashi Foundation/The Japan Foundation Fellowship for Research on Japanese Art

This program aims to support the development of professionals specializing in the study of Japanese visual arts by providing an opportunity for curators and researchers from abroad to conduct research in Japan, and by so doing, promote the study of the field and the introduction of Japanese art overseas.
This fellowship is implemented by the Japan Foundation with generous funding from the Ishibashi Foundation.

Last updated September 4, 2023

Eligibility Area Overseas
Applicant Individual
Application Deadline Apply through Online Application Portal by 1 p.m., November 30, 2023 (Japan Standard Time)
Application Form Q-FW
Application Instructions / Application Form

4. Exhibitions Abroad Support Program

This program is designed to provide financial support for museums and art institutions overseas that organize exhibitions introducing Japanese art and culture to audiences overseas. In addition, this program is designed to support overseas international exhibitions such as biennials/triennials introducing Japanese artists and their works.

Last updated September 4, 2023

Eligibility Area Overseas
Applicant Organization
Application Deadline Apply through Online Application Portal by 1 p.m., November 30, 2023 (Japan Standard Time)
Application Form Q-EAS
Application Instruction /
Application Form

5. Support Program for Translation and Publication

This program is designed to provide partial financial support for overseas publishers intending to translate and publish works originally written in Japanese. The program aims to foster better understanding of Japan by encouraging overseas publishers to translate and publish Japanese works. The grant covers part of the translation and publication costs (e.g. costs for paper, typesetting, platemaking, printing, and binding).

Last updated September 4, 2023

Eligibility Area Overseas
Applicant Organization
Application Deadline Apply through Online Application Portal by 1 p.m., November 20, 2023 (Japan Standard Time)
Application Form Q-TPS
Application Instructions / Application Form

6. U.S. and European Museum Infrastructure Support Program

This program is designed to provide financial support for U.S. and European museums to further promote constant and effective use of their Japanese art collections and thereby assist the establishment of an infrastructure to exhibit Japanese art.

  • *The call for proposals for FY 2024 has yet to be determined. If the Japan Foundation starts call for proposals for FY 2024, it will be announced on the website.