2018-2019 The Japan Foundation
E-Greeting Card Contest
Submission is closed.
“The Japanese New Year” —in keeping with the Japan Foundation’s mission of cultivating friendship and ties between Japan and the world.
The Japan Foundation is seeking submission from all over the world for a key visual (illustration, photo, etc.) to decorate our 2018-19 e-greeting card. We will make prominent use of the selected art work in distributing our message to the world.
- Anyone can apply. (In particular, those who have design experiences are welcome.)
- Applicants need to be able to communicate with the Japan Foundation via email.
- Applicants aged 18 or under are required to obtain parental consent.
Entry Procedures
Post your design from your Twitter account, using both the following hashtags:
“#JFgreetingcard2018_19” and “#Japanfoundation”.
Multiple submissions are allowed.
- 1. Please make sure that you use both hashtags correctly when you post your key visual on Twitter.
- 2. Some of the selected key visuals will be shown on the Japan Foundation’s website together with their creators’ Twitter account names.
- 3. The applicant whose key visual is chosen for the first place will be contacted by a staff member of the Japan Foundation via a Twitter Direct Message (DM) at the beginning of November. (Please follow the Japan Foundation on Twitter in order to be able to receive this message.) The applicant will communicate with the Japan Foundation via email afterwards.
- 4. If your key visual is selected for our e-greeting card, we will ask you to submit an image file following the guidelines below:
- File size: 1MB (Please attach the file to one email message of size of 500KB minimum-2.5MB maximum, or else send via an alternative electric transfer service.)
Submissions by post (surface or airmail) will not be accepted. - Resolution: The resolution of the artwork will be finalized as 72dpi. However, works with 200dpi resolution (degradation-free) are preferable.
Format: jpg, psd, TIFF, or png
- File size: 1MB (Please attach the file to one email message of size of 500KB minimum-2.5MB maximum, or else send via an alternative electric transfer service.)
- 5. The Japan Foundation will be responsible for editing the key visual selected for the 2018-19 edition e-greeting card.
- 6. The key visual must be original, and has never been publicly used for other purposes.
- 7. The copyright of the key visual used for the Japan Foundation’s 2018-19 e-greeting card will be transferred to the Japan Foundation.
Submission Deadline
Sunday, October 28, 2018
- Conveying a joyful message of intercultural exchange
- Expressing the Japanese New Year
- Illustration, photo, etc that is eligible as a key visual for the Japan Foundation’s e-greeting card. (The e-greeting card will be used via the Japan Foundation’s global network consisting of the Tokyo Headquarters, the Kyoto Office, two Japanese-language institutes and 25 overseas offices in 24 countries.)
The contest results will be announced in early December on the website of the Japan Foundation and through its SNS (Facebook/Twitter).
Best Award
- Number:
- 1
- Prize:
- 50,000 yen
The Japan Foundation original items
Honorable Mention
- Prize:
- The Japan Foundation original items
- A screening committee in The Japan Foundation will select the awards.
- The key visual selected for the first place will be used for the Japan Foundation’s 2018-19 e-greeting card.
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Tel: +81-(0)3-5369-6075
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