The Japan Foundation Asia Center Joining filmmakers development program “Talents Tokyo 2015” to foster young directors and producers in Asia
April 28, 2015
The Japan Foundation Asia Center carries out various projects to promote and strengthen international exchanges with Asian countries, towards 2020, in the year of the Tokyo Olympic/Paralympic games.
In 2015, the Asia Center joins the filmmaker development project “Talents Tokyo*” as organizer. The project provides film directors and producers from East Asian and Southeast Asian countries/regions with opportunities to learn how to be recognized worldwide and build an international network. The Asia Center also launches “Fellowship Program,” which dispatches the selected alumni from Talents Tokyo to film markets taking place at leading international film festivals including Cannes, Busan, and Berlin.
“Talents Tokyo 2015” will accept applications from Monday, May 18. Please see the official website for more details on the project and its application conditions (
The Japan Foundation
Asia Center: Nishikawa (Ms.), Murata (Ms.)
Tel: +81-(0)3-5369-6025
Fax: +81-(0)3-5369-6036
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