[Announcement]ASEAN and Japanese youth receive instruction on Good Health and Well-Being in Indonesia

ASEAN-Japan Youth Forum: Take Actions for Social Change 2024

The Japan Foundation (JF), in cooperation with the ASEAN University Network, is conducting an exchange program to deepen understanding between young people in ASEAN countries and Japan. This program is part of the Partnership to Co-create a Future with the Next Generation: WA Project 2.0, a comprehensive people-to-people exchange program that promotes exchanges and develops human resources within the next Japan-ASEAN generation. The program targets undergraduate students who share a common interest in co-creating a more peaceful and better world by 2050 and who wish to take concrete action to solve social issues. It also provides an opportunity for international exchange and idea sharing among a diverse group of young people of the same generation but of different backgrounds.

The program, with a theme of Good Health and Well-Being, consists of two main parts: a field trip to an ASEAN member state (December 2024) and teamwork held in Japan (February 2025). In the first half of the program, which will take place in Indonesia, participants will visit the capital city, Jakarta, as well as Aceh, a coastal city which faced the most severe impact of the Indian Ocean tsunami and earthquake, 20 years ago in December 2004. Program participants will visit villages that were rebuilt after the tsunami, and medical and welfare facilities. They will also have opportunities to learn about the resilience and mental health of disaster survivors.

Participating students will prepare action plans for co-creating a better world through dialogue with their teammates and will give presentations on the outcomes of their team’s work on the final day of instruction in Japan. It is expected that this program will foster long-lasting personal networks between young people in ASEAN countries and Japan, and that participants will bring about positive social change.

  • A man giving a lecture with a microphone
  • Group photo with a banner held up in front

Photos from the 2023 program


Project:ASEAN-Japan Youth Forum
Take Actions for Social Change 2024
Japan Foundation (JF)
ASEAN University Network
Program period in Indonesia
Tuesday, December 3, to Sunday, December 8
Program vision
Envisioning a peaceful and better world in 2050
Theme for 2024
Good Health and Well-Being
Number of participants
20 (university students from ASEAN countries and Japan)

Key dates

Aceh (Sumatra Island)
December 4
Visit to Gampong Nusa village
Visit to Forum Bangun Aceh Medical Facility
Visit to Baitul Mal Aceh Welfare Facility
December 5
Visit to Kuta Baro Community Health Center
Jakarta (Java)
December 6
Visit to the ASEAN Secretariat
Visit to the Indonesian Ministry of Health
Briefing by the Director of the Center for Indonesia's Strategic Development Initiatives (Venue: JF Jakarta office)
December 7
Visit to Angsamerah Foundation Clinic
Workshop hosted by Social Connect: Mental Health Community
(Venue: JF Jakarta office)
December 8
Wrap-up session (Venue: JF Jakarta office)
  • logo of JF
  • logo of ASEAN University Network

Related Materials


Press Inquiries
Kumakura (Ms.), Ozutsumi (Ms.), Public Relations Dept., The Japan Foundation
Tel: +81-(0)3-5369-6075 / Fax: +81-(0)3-5369-6044
E-mail: press@jpf.go.jp

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