Library Guide
User's Guide
How to find materials | Online Catalog (OPAC) is available for searching materials. The materials are shelved in the reading area on the 1st Fl, in closed stacks/KBS stacks located in the basement, and the outside storage. To use audio/visual materials, microfiches or any materials in the closed stacks or KBS stacks, please fill in a request slip and hand it to the Library staff. As it takes up to three working days to deliver materials kept in the outside storage to the Library, advance request by phone or e-mail is recommended. |
Borrowing of books | Loan services are provided for anyone who resides in Japan and is 18 years of age or older. If you are a foreign national, you are required to stay in Japan at a fixed address for a period of 2 months or more from the day of your library registration. To register, please bring your driving license, health insurance card, etc. If you are a foreign national, please bring your alien registration card, passport or any of the above-mentioned identifications. *Reference books, periodicals, audio/visual materials, rare books, KBS documents, JF clippings, NIHONGO Partners reports, etc., cannot be borrowed. |
Borrowing books by mail | The JF Library users with active library cards, who reside in Japan, are eligible for the service. Books eligible for this service must be circulating. Books that cannot be packed and sent via mail such as large-size books are not covered by this service.
Photocopying | b/w 10 yen; color 50 yen per page *Only materials from the Library collection can be copied. However, please remember the Japanese copyright law restricts the amount that can be copied. |
Reference services | Reference services, regarding international cultural exchange activities and on Japan, are provided. Requests can be made by phone, fax or e-mail. |
"National Diet Library Digital Collections" | This service allows Library users to browse digitized materials at the libraries authorized by the National Diet Library (NDL). The digitized materials are out-of-print items, including books, periodicals and doctoral dissertations previously available only within the NDL premises. At the Library, the service is available on the designated computer in the reading area. Printing service for these items is provided upon request.
Please visit the following detailed page for further information. |
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