Japan Foundation Fellow Seminar 2018 From ‘A Plan for Youth’ to ‘The Ruined Map’

Please join us on Thursday, September 20, 2018 at the Japan Foundation Headquarters for the presentation on the subject of “From ‘A Plan for Youth’ to ‘The Ruined Map’” by Mr. John Leisure (2017-18 Japan Foundation Doctoral Fellow, Ph.D. Candidate at the University of California, Los Angeles) and Professor Koji Toba (Waseda University).

Date and Time Thursday, September 20, 2018 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
(Lecture will be followed by a casual reception)
Venue The Japan Foundation Headquarters
Hall “Sakura”, 2nd floor, 4-4-1 Yotsuya, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo Access
Tel. +81-(0)3-5369-6071)
Yotsuya-Sanchome station, Marunouchi line (Metro)
Language In English and Japanese
(Japanese film will be screened WITHOUT subtitles)
Registration Free admission but registration required.
To sign up, please send your name, e-mail address, and occupation by e-mail with the subject line “JF Fellow Seminar September 20” to JF_Fellowship@jpf.go.jp by Tuesday, September 18. (When sending an e-mail, please enter a half-width character “@” instead of a full-width character “@”.)
Program details
During this lecture, Mr. John Leisure and Professor Koji Toba will introduce and screen the film Seishun no Sekkei 『青春の設計』(1952) [22mins, digital]. The film dramatizes the search for public housing by a young couple in the early postwar period, and showcases fire-resistant multi-story apartments associated with the development of housing estates (danchi).The discussion of the film will include remarks on locating and obtaining the 16mm reel with the help of the Documentary Film Preservation Center. Placing the development of postwar housing in a broader context, the representation of the city and apartments seen in Seishun no Sekkei will be contrasted with Teshigahara Hiroshi and Abe Kobo’s Moetsukita Chizu 『燃え尽きた地図』(1968).


John Leisure

John Leisure, Ph. D. candidate at the University of California, Los Angeles.

Photo of John Leisure

Koji Toba

Koji Toba, Professor of Japanese Literature at Waseda University, School of Letters, Arts and Sciences.

Photo of Koji Toba

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The Japan Foundation
Japanese Studies and Global Partnerships Programss Department
Planning and Coordination / Americas Section
Person in charge: Takita (Ms.)
Tel: +81-(0)3-5369-6070 / Fax: +81-(0)3-5369-6041
(When sending an e-mail, please replace the full-width "@" character with a half-width "@" character.)

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