The Americas
1. North America (Canada and the United States)
There are two kinds of publications: Directory (a list of Japanese studies institutions and specialists) and Monograph (report and analysis of survey).
Directory (the United States)
- Vol. I Japan Specialists (PDF: External link)
- Vol. II Institutions (PDF: External link)
- Vol. III Indexes (PDF: External link)
Monograph (the United States)
- Japanese Studies in the United States: The View from 2012 (PDF: External link)
Language: English
* Downloadable from the link above
Directory (Canada)
- Japanese Studies in Canada: Directory of Japan Specialists and Japanese Studies Institutions in Canada, Japanese Studies Series XXXXI, 2013 The Japan Foundation (PDF: External link)
Language: English
* Downloadable from the link above
2. Directory for Central and South America (Spanish-speaking countries)
Directorio de Esudios Sobre Japon en Hispanoamerica, Estudios Sobre Japon Serie XXXIV
Published in Mexico City on August 2005
Language: Spanish
* This publication is not for sale and has been distributed to Japanese studies institutions in Central and South America. Please contact us if you wish to obtain a copy as we have a few spare copies.
3. Directory of Japanese Studies in Brazil (Portuguese and English)
Estudos Japoneses No Brasil, Japanese Studies Series XXXVII
Published in Sao Paulo in March 2007
Language: Portuguese (partially in English)
* This publication is not for sale and has been distributed to Japanese studies institutions in Brazil. Please contact us if you wish to obtain a copy as we have a few spare copies.
[Contact Us]
The Japan Foundation
Japanese Studies and Global Partnerships Programs Department
Planning and Coordination/ Americas Section
Tel: +81-(0)3-5369-6069 Fax: +81-(0)3-5369-6041
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