Project Report
Project Report
Educators Meeting for Teaching the Japanese Language to Children Connected to Japan 2023 (in Japanese)
In December 2023, the Japan Foundation Japanese-Language Institute, Urawa, invited 18 Japanese-language educators from 16 countries and regions to the “Educators Meeting for Teaching the Japanese Language to Children Connected to Japan”, where all attendees shared current situations and issues in each country and region and deepened their understanding on common issues beyond their own area, and future initiatives and collaborations with related organizations were also considered.
In August 2024, the report of the meeting was published on this website.
the Bilingual/Multilingual Child Network (BMCN) Annual Conference 2022 (in Japanese)
The Japan Foundation (JF) co-hosted the Bilingual/Multilingual Child Network (BMCN) Annual Conference in October 2022.
the Bilingual/Multilingual Child Network (BMCN) Annual Conference 2021 (in Japanese)
The Japan Foundation (JF) co-hosted the Bilingual/Multilingual Child Network (BMCN) Annual Conference in September 2021.
Provision of NHK Children’s Programs DVD Set/Children’s Books
NHK Children’s Programs DVD Set
We have created a set of DVD recordings containing 12 episodes of five major children’s programs broadcast on NHK Educational TV (ETV), taking into account the balance of target age groups, and provided them for viewing in educational institutions and private households overseas, after obtaining the necessary rights, and converting and recoding them for viewing in other countries.
- [Titles]
- Inai Inai Baa! (Peek-a-boo!), Okaasan to Issho (Fun Fun Studio!), Tomodachi 8-nin (My 8 Friends), Miitsuketa! (Found One!), Nihongo de Asobo (Fun with Japanese)
- [DVDs provided]
- 220 sets totaling 2,640 DVDs, provided to recipients in 18 countries and regions
Children’s Books
The ITOCHU Foundation generously loaned us the list of books (PDF: 715KB)* selected for its Children's Literature Collection Grant program, and we have provided the books requested from this list by libraries at JF overseas offices and associated organizations in the countries where these offices are located.
*Some books on the list are different from when JF loaned it.
- [Books provided]
- Approximately 6,000 books to a total of 78 organizations in 13 countries and regions
In addition, we provide sets of 55 children’s books for public loan from libraries at our overseas offices in collaboration with the "Lifelong Favorites Selections from the Bookshelves of Young Readers in Japan."
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- The Japanese-Language Institute, Urawa
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- Japanese Language Education for Japanese Children Resident Overseas and for the Descendants of Migrants
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