Survey Report on Japanese-Language Education Abroad 2012
The report on "Survey on Japanese-Language Education Abroad 2012" conducted by the Japan Foundation in fiscal 2012 has been published. (Planning and Coordination Section, Japanese Language Dept., Japanese-Language Group TEL:03-5369-6066 FAX:03-5369-6040)
- Full report
- Summary (Japanese)
- Summary (English)
- Excerpt of the Summary of Results (Japanese) *PDF download available
- Excerpt of the Summary of Results (English) *PDF download available
Please be informed that there were errors in the "Survey Report on Japanese-Language Education Abroad 2012" (full report and summary) published in 2013 and 2014. We sincerely apologize for it and wish to make corrections.
Types of reports
There are five types of reports: the full report, summary (Japanese), summary (English), excerpt (Japanese), and excerpt (English)
Full report
"海外の日本語教育の現状 2012年度日本語教育機関調査より"
(Text in Japanese)
(Total of 192 pages) CD-ROM included
- Detailed analysis from various angles
- Analysis of 29 countries (with basic data from 5 past surveys)
- On-site reports of 17 countries included
- CD-ROM with 30 types of statistical data included
Price: ¥2,000 + tax
ISBN code: 978-4-87424-608-5 C3002
Date of publication: December 10, 2013
Publisher: Kurosio Publishers(くろしお出版)
Summary (Japanese)
"海外の日本語教育の現状 2012年度日本語教育機関調査より 概要"
(Text in Japanese)
(Total of 48 pages)
- The "Key Results of Survey" and analysis of "Japanese-Language Education by Region" in compact form
- Analysis by country of the five countries with highest number of Japanese-language students
- Includes basic data of all countries and areas providing Japanese-language education
Price: ¥500 + tax
ISBN code: 978-4-87424-609-2 C3002
Date of publication: December 10, 2013
Publisher: Kurosio Publishers(くろしお出版)
Summary (English)
"Survey Report on Japanese-Language Education Abroad 2012"
(Total of 48 pages)
Price: ¥500 + tax
ISBN code: 978-4-87424-610-8 C3002
Date of publication: December, 2013
Publisher: Kurosio Publishers(くろしお出版)
Excerpt of the Summary of Results (Japanese)
"2012年度 日本語教育機関調査 結果概要 抜粋" (Text in Japanese)
(Total of 8 pages)
- "2012年度 日本語教育機関調査 結果概要 抜粋"【PDF:2.54MB】(Text in Japanese)
Approaching 4 million people! What kinds of people in the world are learning Japanese?
Excerpt of the Summary of Results (English)
"Survey Report on Japanese-Language Education Abroad 2012 Excerpt"
(Total of 8 pages)
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Please contact Kurosio Publishers (TEL:03-5684-3389) to have the report sent to you directly. Shipping cost varies depending on destination, and it will usually take 3 to 4 days for delivery. When calling, please provide the titles and number of copies you desire, the delivery address, and your phone number. For details, please refer to「書籍の購入方法」on the Kurosio Publishers' website
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Please contact Kurosio Publishers (TEL:03-5684-3389) to have the report sent to you directly. Shipping cost varies depending on destination, and payment can only be made by deposit to the designated bank or by credit card (Visa or Master Card). For details, please refer to 「書籍の購入方法」on the Kurosio Publishers' website
Past reports
- Survey Report on Japanese-Language Education Abroad 2009
- Survey Report on Japanese-Language Education Abroad 2006
- Survey Report on Japanese-Language Education Abroad 2003
- Survey Report on Japanese-Language Education Abroad 1998
- Number of Japanese language education institutions, teachers, and students according to surveys taken in or before 1993
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