Dancing with the Gods
Kagura Performance in Central Europe
Traditional Folk Theater from Tohoku region

2019 marks the 100-year anniversary of international relations between Japan and Poland, and the 150-year anniversary between Japan and Hungary. To celebrate and commemorate this juncture, the Japan Foundation is honored to introduce the tradition of kagura, an art form that has never been formally presented in Central Europe before.
Considered one of the origins of Noh and Kabuki, kagura is a traditional folk art form that has been passed down across generations. Rooted in local communities, the ritual performances are held dear and passed down from generation to generation by the people living in those regions as a vital part of their lives. Kagura forms exist all over Japan, but this presentation focuses on the kagura from the Tohoku region of Japan where the performance holds a particularly close relationship to the local community and businesses.

After the great earthquake in eastern Japan in 2011, kagura has received renewed attention for its value and role in society as something that supports people, maintains ties to local communities, and a vitalizing force in the recovery of the region. The nations of the world, including Hungary and Poland, responded to the natural disaster with warm support. We are pleased to have this opportunity to celebrate the 100th anniversary of diplomatic relations by presenting to Hungarian and Polish audiences the continued recovery efforts in the Tohoku region, and kagura, which has provided encouragement and comfort to those who are rebuilding.

  • Photo of Performancd
    (c)Takao Oya
  • Photo of Kiyoharai

Exchange Session in Budapest ※By invitation only

Date Tuesday, February 19, 2019
Venue University of Theatre and Film Arts (tbc)

Performance in Budapest

Date Wednesday, February 20, 2019 6:00 p.m.
Venue József Attila Színház (1134 Budapest, Váci út 63, Hungary)
Ticket 2,000HUT / Student and Senior 1,000HUT
For inquiries about purchasing tickets and general performances:
Tel: +36(1)270-7514

Organized by The Japan Foundation, in cooperation with Embassy of Japan in Hungary and József Attila Színház

Exchange Session in Warsaw ※By invitation only

Date Friday, February 22, 2019
Venue The Song and Dance Ensemble of the Warsaw University of Technology (tbc)

Performance in Warsaw

Date Saturday, February 23, 2019 7:00 p.m.
Venue Teatr Polski (Kazimierza Karasia 2, 05-077 Warszawa, Poland)
Ticket 30PLN / Under 26, Senior and Persons with disabilities 20PLN
For inquiries about purchasing tickets:
Tel: +48 22 826 92 76, E-mail: bilety@teatrpolski.waw.pl
(When sending an e-mail, please replace the full-width "@" character with a half-width "@" character.)

Performance in Gdansk

Date Tuesday, February 26, 2019 6:00 p.m.
Venue Teatr Szekspirowski (Wojciecha Bogusławskiego 1, 80-818 Gdańsk, Poland)
Ticket Ground Floor 20PLN/Front Balcony 15PLN/Side Balcony (non-reserved seats) 10PLN
For inquiries about purchasing tickets:

Organized by The Japan Foundation, Co-organized by Embassy of Japan in Poland, in cooperation with VISUAL FOLKLORE INC.

【Related Event】 Special Screening of Kuromori-Kagura Documentary “Mawari Kagura”(5th Japanese Film Festival)

Screening in Warsaw

Date Thursday, February 7, 2019 7:00 p.m.
Venue Elektronik Cinema
Ticket 17PLN

Screening in Poznan

Date Friday, February 15, 2019 5:00 p.m.
Venue Zamek Culture Center
Ticket 10PLN http://kinopalacowe.pl/podstrony/371-repertuar/

Organized and Co-organized by The Japan Foundation, Embassy of Japan in Poland, Centrum Kultury Zamek, Elektronik Cinema, in cooperation with VISUAL FOLKLORE INC.


Kuromori Kagura (Iwate Prefecture)

Kuromori Kagura is a traveling style of kagura. Carrying a lion’s head holding the deity from Kuromori-jinja shrine that houses Kuromori Kagura, the troupe sets out to countless villages to bless life events and comfort peoples’ hearts through ritualized prayer. Kuromori Kagura covers an extraordinarily large geographic area – in fact the same area that the troupe has served for over 340 years. The art form has been distinguished and named an Important Intangible Folk Cultural Property in 2006. The repertory for its yokagura or night kagura performances are particularly rich, with powerful and graceful dances. Following the earthquake, the troupe restarted its performance activities within 3 months and has continued to offer encouragement to those who were affected by the disaster. They have conveyed the gratitude on warm support by foreign countries through performing in Russia, France and the United States in 2011-2012 .

  • Photo of Yamanokami
  • Photo of Migatame

Kanmachi Hoin Kagura (Miyagi Prefecture)

A wooden stage is set up and a gorgeous backdrop is hung within the precinct of Inari-jinja shrine, the home of Kanmachi Hoin Kagura, and there the invitation to god is performed. Noted for its beautiful dances and acrobatic fight scenes, this form of kagura establishes an interactive relationship with the audience and has garnered love from audiences old and young due to their activities that feature both younger performers and seasoned veterans. They have also continued to support the revitalization of their community. In the aftermath of the earthquake, the troupe actively supported other Hoin Kagura troupes based along the coastline that suffered the most damage.

  • Photo of Kanmachi Hoin Kagura
    (c)Takao Oya
  • Photo of Kanmachi_Yamatotakeru

[Contact Us]

The Japan Foundation
Persons in Charge: Maeda (Ms.), Toyota (Ms.)
Tel: +81-(0)3-5369-6063
E-mail: arts2@jpf.go.jp
(When sending an e-mail, please replace the full-width "@" character with a half-width "@" character.)

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