List of Fellows in 2015: Europe
State/Region | Name | Current Position | Area of Research | Project Title | Affiliation in Japan (※Not necessary for short-term fellowship) |
Finland | PORRASMAA, Raisa Katariina | PhD Candidate, University of Helsinki | Classical Japanese Literature | Doctoral thesis on the subject "Parody in Medieval Japanese Court Literature" | Japan Women's University |
France | CORBEL, Amélie Marie | PhD Candidate, Sciences Po | Political Science and Gender Studies | Japan's so-called "international marriages" from a political science perspective | Ochanomizu University |
France | MAUFROID, Yannick | PhD Candidate, National Institute of Oriental Languages And Civilizations (INALCO) | Japanese Studies and Japanese Literature | The "dream method" in Shimao Toshio's works | Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences, Waseda University |
France | RIEU, Alain Marc | Professor, Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University | Contemporary Philosophy. Science and Technology Studies | Geopolitics of research and innovation | Osaka University |
Germany | KOEHN, Stephan | Professor, University of Cologne | Edo Period Book Publishing and Book Culture | Mines of information, sources of profit - Genesis, diversification, and commercialization of encyclopedias (setsuyoshu) in pre-modern Japan - | Kyoto University |
Germany | RATHMANN, Martin | PhD Candidate, Cluster of Excellence "Asia and Europe in a Global Context, " Heidelberg University | Cultural Economic History | The Mindset of Japanese Engineers - Care Robotics in Aging Japan | Kyoto University |
Greece | SIDIROPOULOU, Avra | M.A. Programme Lecturer, Academic Head, Open University of Cyprus | Theatre Theory, Directing Practice, Theory of Performance | Mapping Auteur Directing Practice in Contemporary Japanese Theatre | The University of Tokyo |
Italy | GIOLAI, Andrea | PhD Candidate, Ca' Foscari University of Venice | Japanese Performing Arts | Musical Passion and Social Complexity in the Practice of Gagaku Music | Kyoto City University of Arts |
Italy | ROMAGNOLI, Stefano | Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Sapienza University of Rome | Japanese modern and contemporary literature, war literature, | The representation of Soviet Union by Japanese intellectuals | School of Letters, Arts and Social Sciences, Waseda University |
Netherlands | SNEEP, Deirdre Aranka Lucia | PhD Candidate, Institute of East Asian Studies (IN-EAST), The University of Duisburg-Essen | Area Studies / Anthropology / Sociology | Cell Phone City and the Cyborg: The Hybridization of Space in contemporary Tokyo. (preliminary title) | Meiji University |
Portugal | MAGALHAES, Nuno Pereira Santiago de | University of Cambridge Doctoral researcher, University of Cambridge / ARI Fellow, Korea University | International Relations | Japan and Regional Integration in East Asia | The University of Tokyo |
Spain | BARBERÁN PELEGRIN, Antonio Francisco | Teacher / Researcher, University of Zaragoza | Japanese, Japanese Law, Comparative Law | Revision, updating and commentary of the Spanish translation of the Japanese civil code | Nanzan University |
Spain | CALZADA-PRADO, Francisco Javier | Assistant Professor, Carlos III University of Madrid (UC3M) | LIS (Library and Information Science) Education | Building a New Future for information professionals in the Knowledge Economy: A Comparative Study of Japanese and European Competency | School of Knowledge Science |
Spain | MORENO REDONDO, Maria Nieves | Research Fellow, Autonomous University of Madrid | Japanese Studies/Film Studies | Filmic Representations of Industrialization in Post-War Japan. Forging a New Identity | ※ Short-term |
Spain | PEREZ-ZAPATA, Oscar | Adjunct Professor, Carlos III University of Madrid (UC3M) | Organizational Behavior / Occupational Health | Leveraging Japan's experience managing work intensity and health at work | Sugimura OH Consulting |
Sweden | OSKARSON KINDSTRAND, Karl H Love | PhD Candidate, Department of Anthropology, The University of Chicago | Anthropology | Bodies That Shatter: Mobilization, Atomization, and the Crisis of Political Representation in Post-3.11 Japan | Faculty of Liberal Arts, Sophia University |
United Kingdom | KINSELLA, Sharon Elaine | Lecturer in Japanese Studies, The University of Manchester | Sociology, Ethnography and Culture Studies | Male Reaction: A Collaborative art film and anthropology project | ※ Short-term |
United Kingdom | SHEPHERD, Hannah Jane | PhD Candidate, Harvard University | East Asian History | Cities Into Empire: Fukuoka, Pusan, and Japan's Imperial Urbanization, 1900-1947 | Faculty of Humanities, Kyushu University |
Hungary | PUSZTAI, Beáta | PhD Candidate, Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) | Film Studies | Representations of the formation of national identity in contemporary Japanese cartoon | The University of Tokyo |
Poland | LESNICZAK, Marcelina | Assistant Professor, Nicolaus Copernicus University | Modern Japanese Literature | Dramaturgy in Tanizaki's works. Can the body conception influenced by the Japanese traditional theater be regarded beyond space and time? | Kobe University |
Poland | SPLISGART, Jacek Witold | Associate Professor, University of Gdansk | Cultural Anthropology, Ethnology, Japonology | The issue of formation of modern Japanese Multicultural Society. The case study of children from the international families from Kanto and Kansai regions. | Tokyo Metropolitan University |
Russia | PAVLOV, Dmitry Borisovich | Deputy Director, Russian Academy of Sciences | Russo-Japanese Relations at the Beginning of the 20th Century | Russo-Japanese relations during World War I, Russian foreign policy in 1914-1917 | Meijo University |
Russia | TKACHEV, Sergei | Scientific Museum, Far Eastern Federal University Head of Polytechnic Museum | historian | Japanese and Russian Experience in Development of New Lands in the Era of Modernization: Social and Economic Adaptation of Migrants in Hokkaido and in South Ussuri Area | Center for Far Eastern Studies, University of Toyama |
Russia | VASIANINA, Liudmila | PhD Candidate, Moscow Region State University | History of Early Modern Japan | Everyday Life of the Japanese people in 16-17 cc based on Europeans sources. Japanese perceptions of European culture at that time | Tokyo University of Foreign Studies |
Slovakia | HOLOTOVA, Juliana | Researcher, Centre for Cultural Anthropology and Archaeology, Comenius University | Cultural Anthropology and Archaeology | Shinto Sacred Places in Japan and Today's Environmental Protection | Faculty of Law, Hosei University |
Ukraine | SHEVTSOVA, Galyna | Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture Professor | History of Architecture, Restoration of Architectural Monuments | The Japanese Shinto and Buddhist architecture mutual influence study as a way to understand the Ukrainian wooden church genesis | Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University |
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