令和4(2022)年度 海外展助成事業

対象国 事業名 申請者名
中国 Arata Isozaki: Enigma Power Station of Art
中国 CHINA - JAPAN Traditional Painting Exhibition Gongbi Academy of Chinese National Academy of Arts
中国 Noda Tetsuya: The Imprints of an Artist's Life. The University Museum and Art Gallery, The University of Hong Kong
スリランカ Special Exhibition Japanese Culture of Shinbutsu Shugo Sri Lanka Japan Buddhist Cultural Friendship Association
オーストラリア Chiharu Shiota: The Soul Trembles Queensland Art Gallery / Gallery of Modern Art
オーストラリア Ultra Unreal Museum of Contemporary Art Australia
米国 Hiromi Tsuchida's "Hiroshima Collection" as a part of 58th Carnegie International Carnegie Museum of Art
米国 Clay as Soft Power: Shigaraki Ware in Postwar America and Japan Regents of the University of Michigan (for the University of Michigan Museum of Art)
米国 BeHere / 1942 Japanese American National Museum
英国 Ishiuchi Miyako Stills Ltd
英国 Ruth Asawa: Citizen of the Universe Modern Art Oxford
イタリア Technotopia, Engineering the Present and the Future Fondazione MAXXI
イタリア 59th International Art Exhibition - Participation of Japanese Artists Fondazione La Biennale di Venezia
オランダ Modern Japanese Lacquer The Rijksmuseum Foundation
スイス Lines from East Asia. Japanese and Chinese Art on Paper ETH Zurich, Graphische Sammlung ETH Zurich (=Collection of Prints and Drawings of ETH Zurich
スイス HOMO FABER, Crafting a More Human Future Michelangelo Foundation for Creativity & Craftmanship
スペイン Onishi. Painting and Photography Foundacion Per Amor a l'Art (FPAA)
ドイツ Documenta fifteen Documenta und Museum Fridericianum GmbH
ドイツ Yuki Kimura Kunstverein fur die Rheinlande und Westfalen
フランス Scheherazade, At Night Palais de Tokyo
フランス The illustrator of Mount Fuji: An Educator for the First Time, the art of Hokusai explained to children European Centre for Japanese Studies in Alsace
ベルギー Shimabuku: Instrumental WIELS, centre for contemporary art
ハンガリー Extended Present Ludwig Museum - Museum of Contemporary Art
ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ A symbol of Hope and Resistance - Japanese Contemporary Art in Bosnia and Herzegovina Public Institution "City Museums" Sarajevo
イスラエル Time Tunnel - Japan & The Jews Tikotin Museum of Japanese Art
トルコ Participation from Japan in the 17th Istanbul Biennial Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts (IKSV)


美術チーム 電話:03-5369-6061

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